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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

PEiR Group Members Get A Boost From Remote Print Offering

Shaun outlines the benefits and suggested procedures of remote printing in this week’s “Corner.” Here in the PEiR office, we’ve seen a definite increase in this type of printing. In the growing global marketplace, remote printing will be the saving grace of those key customers whose printing needs extend beyond recognized borders.

A sampling of PEiR members outline their experiences with remote printing below:

“In February 2008, I was contacted by Shaun McMenamey of Advantage Repro in New York City. Seems he had a print job originating through his Boston location that needed distribution to bidders in the Sacramento, CA area. The details (price, shipping, timing, invoicing) were quickly agreed upon.

Working with Patrick Astete, Operations Manager in Boston, we downloaded drawings and specs from the Advantage Repro FTP site. Patrick then furnished the list of bidders in the Sacramento area.

We printed and distributed. It was an economical and efficient operation that seems to have worked well for Winslow’s, Advantage Repro and the clients.”

Lou Zalar, Winslow Reprographics, Inc.

“We have been part of remote printing a number of times. For the most part, remote printing has offered a successful solution for the customer, the local printer and us (or us as the local printer)

The trick to making remote printing successful is really no trick at all; it just takes preparation and communication. The better you prepare your project before you send it, and the better you communicate during the project, the better off everyone will be. Remember to follow up with the local print shop and the client.

In addition, if you are the local printer don't ask for a printing rate higher than you would be asking others to do for you if the shoe was on the other foot. In the past, we have had printers ask us to do printing for as low as .055 when they are only prepared to offer .075 when we have tried to send them a similar job. That won't work. Be fair and let's help each other make a profit.

Good Luck!”

Matt Dalton, Certified Reprographics

If you need a “print partner” but are not an Enterprise user and do not have access to the list of receiving companies as outlined in Shaun’s article, your resources are: The PEiR Group Intranet as well as the team at the PEiR office, who can be reached at: (925)658-0200.

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